Repeating "Clock_Watchdog_Timeout" BSOD - can you assist?


Yes, the BSODs were random.

Got you as regards usage - I was thinking you meant something a lot more "tecchy" that I had to do.

I will do as you advise - thanks again for the help!


The BSOD Doctor
If those 0x101 BSODs were being caused by a faulty CPU you will see them again, even with Windows in that pristine state. That's what you're checking for.



I've done all of the above & everything appears to be OK.

Would it be OK for me now to proceed uploading my software? Or is there something else that needs doing first?

Should I upload the software bit-bit, & keep making System Restore Points, just in case there is a problem with the software? I should add that I would not be adding to the laptop any software I am not already running on the laptop I am using to communicate here - & that is running fine.


The BSOD Doctor
Yes, you can add your software. And yes, do that one at a time, taking restore points is a good idea.